Members we miss


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2020
702 Posts
300 Thanked
Norway, Scandinavia
We all had out favorite members. Some were funny as shit, some were plain weird. Who do you remember the most and who do you miss?


Badass - Funny as heck and full of spirit/energy/enthusiasm - generally a happy person.
Dell-Ta-Plane - Great bloke with a great taste in music, and his own music was great as well
Murvin - A great spirit with a great taste of music. I LOVED his recommendations (Progressive trance/house etc.)
Darren - Like a Grandfather/father here. Very smart and a fun person. Always seemed like he cared about everyone else.
Fishman - because why not?
Phael - crazy perhaps but crazy good. great lad with a great sense of humour. Ive smirked more than once from his posts 😅
PegaSus - still here but not often enough. You are one of those who made me laugh till tears starts pouring down my eyes. Your humour is exactly what i like and i love it!
Sunshine - the boss. she is just gone now isnt she? Wonderful person. Where are you ? 😞
Gaby - a bot but DAT PROFILE PIC! :love:

Oh god i know there are more but i just cant remember at the moment. So, what about you? Anyone you miss or maybe dont miss?
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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well, now that you mention it, I do wonder whatever happened to Wesley Oakes.. :unsure:


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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jk. Mythological and Rick mage are a couple of legends i would like to see returned


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Nangle. He had a sharp wit and a way with words I often found funny. Darren as well, he was a really nice guy.

I keep in touch with Badass who turned into an anti-Trump Twitter account, Phael who joined Hitler youth, and Nangle who still dresses weirdly.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,986 Posts
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Some update on the members:

Phael works in the postal service now, Badass is a fraud investigator or something, he's always getting certificates and applying for jobs. Sunshine got married to a Dash Berlin lookalike and I think she has two kids and a dog. We haven't heard from her for a while now. Nangle got married and has a kid as well, listens to techno mostly now. Brunoo drinks beer 24/7, makes really great music.

Does life go on...
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Hoping Dylan Guedes makes a return one day. His tune sharing for the underground house/techno/trance was good, very eclectic taste from the Brazilian.
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