Recent content by facade1984

  1. facade1984

    What's on your mind today?

    nice. my brother has no idea what's about to hit him this afternoon
  2. facade1984

    What's on your mind today?

    i never lose. sometimes i'll even spice it up with a "oh my god i just feel so safe in your arms and also you smell different when you're awake"
  3. facade1984

    What's on your mind today?

    one thing I like to do when I see a male friend or relative I haven't seen in ages is to hug them as long as possible and see who gets uncomfortable first
  4. facade1984

    What's on your mind today?

    heading back to birmingham for a couple days tomorrow to say goodbyes to my family ahead of the big move. fucking dreading it and will be glad when it's over because I suck at goodbyes. recently reconnected with an old buddy from school though too who I'm hoping to see while I'm up there -...
  5. facade1984

    What's on your mind today?

    Oh my god this guy again, am I right? Haha I could get a lot of mileage out of this
  6. facade1984

    What's on your mind today?

    Mr Worldwide
  7. facade1984

    Hip-Hop Thread

    Any love for Jadakiss? Dude is the truth
  8. facade1984

    What's on your mind today?

    bro don't ever question my gangsta
  9. facade1984

    What's on your mind today?

    dude don't apologise - I'm forever sharing 30 second clips of projects with the other producers in my whatsapp groups because I just get too excited at times and this has been my hobby for 24 years. always stay changing, learning and adapting but above all else just make sure it's always fun
  10. facade1984

    Hip-Hop Thread

    I hate flying and right now away in Ireland for work. Did an edible before my flight from lcy on Monday to try and calm my nerves but my flight got delayed and I started getting a bit of paranoia. Anyway long story short, "gin & juice" came on my Spotify and I instantly felt a lot calmer. Snoops...
  11. facade1984

    Archiving releases from discontinued labels

    Mpfs and tranceflo, good lord I'm old. Mpfs was also originally just a forum and I made some lifelong friends there. It was often a brutal place but forums were incredible at helping producers develop a thicker skin. Probably why I'm still always "fuck everyone" 24/7
  12. facade1984

    General porn talk

    This was a useful post to read while I'm away on business, alone in a hotel room with free WiFi
  13. facade1984

    General porn talk

    I hope that one day my music is used for a video like this. On that day I'll be like "all the rest of you producers ain't shit"
  14. facade1984

    What's on your mind today?

    It's no sour grapes and I'm definitely not trying to sound ungrateful, I've had an ok run despite never being interested in climbing the ranks or whatever but I just don't really feel like I have many trance tracks left in me. Because I've done so many tracks that are fairly unconventional I...
  15. facade1984

    What's on your mind today?

    That's a fair question and one I'm happy to answer. I've been pretty vocal about how bored I've been by trance for a long time, almost all the guys that have become popular over the last 15 or so years really don't impress me but I've realised that it's actually just the genre as a whole that...